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Covering four different theatres, the conference programme is free to attend and is a great way to keep on top of the latest industry thinking.

Energy and Carbon Management Strategy Theatre

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Click here to find out more about topics under discussion.

  • Measuring the cost benefits of building a sustainable, low-carbon business
  • How businesses can reduce their energy costs
  • Optimising energy consumption and reducing energy waste in public and commercial buildings
  • AI and interconnected data and systems
  • From ground zero to net zero: from efficiencies of design to collaboration with major partners
  • Sustainable procurement and energy management
  • Carbon accounting, capture and storage
  • UK nature-based carbon credits
  • Managing energy data in a digital world
  • Using energy measurement and efficiencies for creating customer value
  • Delivering net zero carbon in a wide range of estate buildings: from leisure centres to listed buildings

Practical experience and lessons learned from energy and sustainability leaders sharing their own challenges and success stories.

Hear from public and private sector leaders who will share how they implemented company-wide energy and carbon management strategies. 

Find out how they planned, questioned, financed and gained support internally, and where they worked with external stakeholders to create efficient sustainable business plans. 

Industry and policy experts will provide in-depth insights from cross-industry analysis and experience, giving you the opportunity to accelerate change, benchmark your own plans, avoid unintended consequences and plan for the long-term future success of your organisation’s energy strategy.

Sustainability and Net Zero Theatre

Inspiration and guidance on how to drive your organisation to achieve net zero targets, working collaboratively with all internal and external stakeholders.

Sustainability and policy leaders will share their visions for a decarbonised future and debate the various pathways to success.  Through case studies, analysis and forecasts, sessions will explore where energy management builds into net zero planning and how to ensure your organisation is equipped with the right tools, skills and knowledge.

Gain insights into the vital role of net zero planning for success in all types of organisations, how to build confidence and engagement with your workforce, your customers and your wider supply chain.

ClearVUE.Business logo

Click here to find out more about topics under discussion.

Click here to find out more about topics under discussion.

  • Building a de-carbonised future
  • The energy of recycling, sustainability and circularity
  • A vision for 2050 manufacturing: net zero commitment and the role manufacturing will play
  • Company-wide strategic net zero planning
  • The ambition and the reality of the energy transition  
  • Global energy scene set, what does this mean for you as an energy manager?    
  • Sustainable business travel
  • Aerospace and defence sustainability: transitions and digital tools
  • Upskilling, education and diversity in your workplace
  • Embedding sustainability skills
  • Building ESG planning into your organization
  • The greenwash debate
  • Education for circularity
  • How to establish sustainability programmes both internally and with your customers

Built Environment and Transport Theatre

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Click here to find out more about topics under discussion.

  • Support for innovators to develop solutions
  • Decarbonising heat in buildings: net zero heat and power
  • Hydrogen for heat and for heavy transport
  • Decarbonise your fleet
  • Batteries, leasing and second life
  • EV infrastructure planning
  • Energy storage: future developments
  • Ground source heat pumps: costs and efficiencies
  • Retrofitting and smart technologies for HVAC systems in legacy buildings
  • Net zero retrofit
  • How to build a business case
  • Collaborating with other public sector bodies for heat networks
  • Planning for energy transition in infrastructure and buildings: balancing complex demands and budgeting priorities
  • Training and upskilling to support and enable the delivery of Net Zero plans
  • Data driven strategies for energy management
  • Developing decarbonisation plans across a global estate

Measure, manage and invest for the future: Assess your own plans, ask questions and listen to practical advice on estate and fleet management.

From large-scale estate planning across multiple sites to driving efficiencies in individual units, plus insights into fleet management decisions and fossil fuel replacement planning.

Bringing together practical experience, innovation and understanding of investment opportunities, our speakers will share their own organisational challenges, success stories and ideas to help you to plan your own energy transition within transport systems and the built environment.

Energy Future and Flexible Networks Theatre

Exploring options for improved decision-making, security and choice of energy supply and storage, energy management and contract flexibility.

Energy supply and network specialists will explore options on improving how to work with internal and external stakeholders, access investment funding, understand contracts and options for energy supply.

NationalGridESO power responsive logo

Click here to find out more about topics under discussion.

Click here to find out more about topics under discussion.

  • Policy and market expectations for different alternatives to fossil fuels for heating and power
  • Green energy sourcing and UK wholesale markets
  • Batteries and energy storage options
  • PPAs, risk management, contracts and supply funding models
  • Using your data - what next in terms of energy efficiencies
  • IOT and data: The next wave of smart technology
  • EV and Fleet – ROI and impact on the net zero plans
  • Monitoring software and cost savings through predictive maintenance
  • Private wires and flexible energy sources
  • Renewable energy options
  • Grid availability and flexibility
  • Demand side flexibility

Inenco logo

Lanyard Sponsor

Power Responsive

Energy Future and Flexible Networks Theatre Sponsor

Local Partnerships

Public Sector Networking Area Sponsor


Training Sponsor