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Case study presentation20 mins
- Built Environment and Transport Theatre
Yousra will share an example/case study for decarbonizing heat through heat pumps, explaining opportunities and challenges and stakeholder engagement’s critical role in gradually overcoming these chal ...
Presentation20 mins
- Built Environment and Transport Theatre
ebm-papst will be exploring current opportunities for Retrofitting HVAC equipment in legacy buildings, focusing on the challenges and opportunities as well as demonstrating why cloud-based monitoring ...
Discussion Panel40 mins
- Built Environment and Transport Theatre
Participants will gain a comprehensive understanding of ground source heat pumps (GSHPs), including their benefits, functionality, and dispelling common misconceptions. They will be equipped with accu ...
Keynote Presentation20 mins
- Built Environment and Transport Theatre
The UK needs to rapidly decarbonise to meet its net zero challenges. The National Infrastructure Commissions’ Second National Infrastructure Assessment sets out the UK’s long term infrastructure needs ...
Case study presentation20 mins
- Built Environment and Transport Theatre
The London Borough of Hounslow declared a climate emergency in July of 2019 and have been progressive to formulate a strategy to tackle the crisis against an ambitious net zero 2030 target. Schools ac ...
20 mins
- Built Environment and Transport Theatre
- Embedding decarbonisation into business as usual - Changing the way that everyone thinks around decarbonisation - Bringing together the teams - procurement, finance, management and decision makers
Case study panel discussion20 mins
- Built Environment and Transport Theatre
Oxford County Council’s properties include museums, libraries, offices, adult and children day centres and more. This session will showcase the Council’s progress with their 2030 targets, exploring; ...
Case Study30 mins
- Built Environment and Transport Theatre
Fleet and site decarbonisation requires transformation and new partnerships across whole value chains. It is important to understand the challenges to achieving Net Zero and how to practically mitigat ...
Discussion Panel40 mins
- Built Environment and Transport Theatre
The latest advancements in digital service management platforms are revolutionising the way we manage buildings, driving significant cost savings, improving productivity, and enhancing efficiency. Thi ...
Discussion Panel40 mins
- Built Environment and Transport Theatre
Hosted by Infersens, this session will explore Silbury House, a sustainable office building in Milton Keynes. The project showcases green technologies, and energy-efficient design, minimising environm ...
Discussion Panel40 mins
- Built Environment and Transport Theatre
This panel session will discuss the importance of shifting away from gas to decarbonised electrification of heating space and water in buildings. A number of leading solutions that are alternatives to ...
Discussion Panel40 mins
- Built Environment and Transport Theatre
Forecasting of uptake of electrification options for decarbonising residential buildings, student accommodation and housing associations
Discussion Panel40 mins
- Built Environment and Transport Theatre
The panel will explore innovative strategies and technologies to decarbonise industrial heat, highlighting the potential for significant environmental and economic benefits. Learn how industries can t ...
Discussion Panel40 mins
- Built Environment and Transport Theatre
This session will discuss how CCUS industrial clusters are developing in the UK as a vital part of the low-carbon transition: - State of play: International CCUS and COP 29 - UK CCUS industry ...
Case study panel discussion40 mins
- Built Environment and Transport Theatre
Heating buildings constitutes around a quarter of all UK emissions. Heat networks are vital to making net zero a reality in the UK. The Government Strategies highlight the need to move away from burni ...
Case study presentation20 mins
- Built Environment and Transport Theatre
Assessing the infrastructure available across 100s of sites Considerations for pool cars and charging requirements on-site Negotiating with local off-site charging points Stages decarbonisation across ...