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Simon Ponsford

Simon Ponsford

CTO and Founder, Tivarri, YellowDog
Simon is CEO of Tivarri with wide-ranging responsibilities including product strategy and sustainability.  Simon trained as an Environmental Scientist and has worked in multiple organisations spanning academia, corporations, and start-ups over the past three decades. In each he has had a remit to create more sustainable solutions from the World’s lowest powered Windows PC in 2008, addressing COP 18 in 2012 on how to understand carbon impact at an individual customer level within Cloud computing environments.  In 2013 KumoWatt was launched, a consultancy service to assist enterprises in reducing energy consumption of IT operations, this resulted in an average reduction of 18% in these organisations. Since 2015 Simon has focussed on the environmental impact of cloud computing, including a Carbon Calculator designed to help organisations understand their carbon emissions. Simon has been granted more than 50 patents, all with computing efficiency in mind

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