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Mitakshi Sirsi

Mitakshi Sirsi

Director of Sustainability, Broadway Malyan

Mitakshi Sirsi is director of sustainability at Broadway Malyan. She is also Chair of Sustainability Community at CoreNet’s UK Chapter. Mitakshi has a dual role to deliver Broadway Malyan's Responsible Business Strategy and to advise and work with clients on how to manage their own built asset and company strategies. 


She specialises in Sustaining the Workplace and particularly in directing management policy through research frameworks and using training as a tool to integrate high-level strategies and certifications through the life cycle of buildings. She actively engages in climate-change impact activism and dialogue, and she looks to continue to seek a lasting impact on the planet through her work, education, and community involvement and efforts. 


Her experiences include working as a researcher for the US Green Building Council (USGBC chapter in Chicago). This required supporting an Energy Benchmarking Ordinance bill and communicating information to representatives. She moved to London to complete a master’s in environmental design and since then has specialised in environmental sustainability in buildings. 


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