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Lee Priestley

Lee Priestley

Commercial Director, Conrad Energy

Lee started his career in the energy industry in 2000, joining Centrica as a Power Trader. After 10 years trading UK Power, Lee was promoted to Head of UK Power Origination, a role he fulfilled for the next 6 years. In 2016, Lee joined National Grid (ESO) as Head of Business Development. This role involved looking at ways NG (ESO) could procure ancillary services from non-traditional sources such as distribution connected renewables, battery storage, thermal assets and demand side response.

In September 2017, Lee joined a start-up generation business called Conrad Energy as Commercial Director. The business is now one of the biggest Independent Power Producers in the UK. Conrad Energy has 700MW of operational gas reciprocating engines and around 200MW of operational battery storage, that it monetises from its state-of-the-art asset optimisation desk in Abingdon. Conrad Energy has access to all the available revenue streams, namely the wholesale market, the balancing mechanism, the capacity market plus ESO and DNO ancillary services and flexibility products. As a licenced electricity supplier, Conrad Energy offers the same highly efficient management and optimisation services it has developed for its own assets, to third parties via route to market PPA’s. Conrad Energy also has a successful fixed price PPA book containing third party wind and solar assets, supplies electricity to Industrial and Commercial customers and has a growing portfolio of behind the meter assets including rooftop and ground mounted solar on or near business premises.


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