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Damon Lapping

Damon Lapping

Sustainability Technical Authority/Carbon reduction and energy management expert, Johnson Matthey

I’ve always had a deep passion for sustainable energy and energy data analytics. I come from an IT background as a Technical Analyst In 2007 I started my own business being the first person to approve the first electric vehicle legally approved for road use in South Africa. In 2010 I really started my journey in sustainable energy starting my own energy management consulting business supporting the state utility Eskom in South Africa with their Demand Side Management Program as part of their wider investment in energy efficiency in the private sector. Since then I expanded into the energy auditing discipline having conducted over 100 energy audits to date. What really drives my passion for sustainable energy though is the power of energy data analytics and how it can be used to drive energy performance consistently and how it has the potential to unlock efficiency improvements in all industries especially with the advent of AI, the opportunities are vast. In 2019 I decided to return to the UK and take up a new challenge in in the chemical industry as a Sustainable Technical Authority.


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