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Aimen Taki

Aimen Taki

Energy Manager, Great Portland Estates

- Aimen Taki is an energy manager with over 6 years experience in the energy management and de-carbonisation field. He started his career at Network Rail where he was in charge of establishing and delivering a de-carbonisation programme for the Southern Region and is now the Energy Manager at GPE (Great Portland Estates) 

- Aimen has previously overseen a wide de-carbonisation project portfolio including on-site renewables, asset optimisation and fleet de-carbonisation. He is also currently running an energy data digitalistion project at GPE looking at improving the capacity and capability of energy reporting and assurance for an estate of over 40 buildings with more than 1,400 unique meters 

- Aimen is also experienced in the energy procurement aspect, managing the procurement of over 60 GWh's of energy per annum 


In terms of the Talk: 


- Title: An Approach to Managing Energy Data in a Digital World 

- Topics to be discussed: 

- The size of the challenge 

- Choosing the correct system 

- Implementation of system and pitfalls to look out for 


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