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What's new in heat pump developments - busting the myths on costs and efficiencies

22 Nov 2023
Panel Discussion
Built Environment and Transport Theatre
-Explore the potential of ground source heat pumps and how they can transform your residential or commercial heating and cooling systems, bringing exceptional energy efficiency.
-Hear from industry experts as they dispel prevalent myths about heat pumps, empowering you to make well-informed decisions for sustainable and cost-effective solutions.
-Participate in a vibrant panel discussion where you can directly interact with experts, addressing your pressing queries and gaining invaluable insights into the real facts behind ground source heat pumps.
Stephen Bielby, Operations Manager - Ground Source Heat Pump Association
Geoff Ellison, Director - Ground Source Heat Pumps Association
John Findlay, Director - Ground Source Heat Pumps Association
Ken Kneale, Director - Ground Source Heat Pumps Association
Laura Bishop, GSHP Chair - Ground Source Heat Pumps Association
Neil Lawson, Technical & Operations Director - Ground Source Heat Pump Association

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