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Never mind the greenwash

23 Nov 2023
Panel Discussion
Sustainability and Net Zero Theatre
- This panel will address what good looks like when it comes to honouring the standards of response marketing practice. We will begin by defining ‘greenwashing', and sharing examples of how intentional or inadvertent greenwashing can slow progress when it comes to striving for a truly sustainable world.
- We will then zoom in on the built environment sector to explore what is being done to improve standards, practices, and accountability. In doing so, we will address the communication challenges, highlighting the barriers that can get in the way of honest, substantiated, and credible messaging.
- The panel will offer guidance as to the editorial processes, training, customer engagement and governance aspects that should work together to mitigate against instances of greenwashing, all with the backdrop of the Financial Conduct Authority's recent clampdown on greenwashing and the new EU Anti-Greenwashing Legislation.  
Jo Sutherland, Managing Director - Magenta Associates
Mitakshi Sirsi, Director of Sustainability - Broadway Malyan
Rachel Houghton, Managing Director - Business Moves Group
Charlie Martin, Co-Founder - Anti-Greenwash Charter

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