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Company wide strategic net zero planning

22 Nov 2023
Panel Discussion
Sustainability and Net Zero Theatre

- Insights into how to deliver an ambitious net zero target and the important teams we need to involve along the way
- Turning net zero ambition into deliverable programmes and projects   
- What are the challenges and solutions?  
- What are the most important aspects of a company's strategic net zero planning...?
- What can a company with a net zero plan which requires more capacity, but is in an area with grid constraints, do to avoid delays?
- An overview of what the Carbon Trust has done to deliver on their Net Zero ambitions
- Vattenfall's net zero journey and insights which other companies can learn from


Peter Egan, Major Projects and Programmes, Project Sponsor and Climate Champion - UK Strategic Command
Nilay Shah, Professor of Process Systems Engineering - Imperial College and Royal Academy of Engineering
Rhys Jones, Net Zero Delivery Manager - The Carbon Trust
Tanara Castro, Civil Engineer and BD Manager - Vattenfall

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